Garage Door

Easily open, close, lock or unlock the door

Easily open/close/lock/unlock the entry or garage door with a remote control, standard built-in button inside the garage/house or even with your car headlights. Alternatively you can use any computer, tablet or mobile phone that is connected to the internet.

Personalised access control

Control exactly who has access to what and when, by assigning/denying specific permissions to each member of your network. See when someone enters or leaves the house through our built in notification system.

For example:

  • Know exactly when your kids came back from their party
  • Let a repair man into your house
  • Don't worry any more if you forgot your keys at home

And all of that without leaving a spare key in an unsafe place or with a neighbour. Keep track of all activities that happen on your property after the door is unlocked using enabled sensors and motion detectors.

Access control key features

  • Security encrypted connection
  • Avoid the loss of keys and the costly inconvenience  of being accidentally locked out
  • Blocks access when the alarm system is switched on
  • Personalised access control
  • E-mail and/or SMS notification when locked or unlocked
  • Block any lost remote controls and receive notifications of any attempted usage
  • Notification of manual locking/unlocking (using a traditional key)
  • Unlock exits in case of fire to aid the evacuation process
  • Perfect solution for rented or shared use of premises. No need to provide keys
  • You can allow access to friends, neighbours and service staff in case of problem when you are away from home
Woman using Smartphone